Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Once Upon A Time Starts Right Now

In order for my 100% physically and emotionally preparation for second semester in Dental School, I have deactivate my Facebook's account cos I discovered I have this chronic addiction towards it. I spent too much time on it and I'm pretty sure I need the rehabilitation. LOL. Few friends rang me and one thing on the surface of their tongue, do I deactivate my account because of my bad result? or heart broken? or do I have chronic depression? Haha. You guys are so funny man! First, I haven't get my result, yet. Second, I am one happy bird now, Third, yeah, I feel extremely depressed because I'm lack of money now and I desperately want to shop, again. That answered the questions. So people, since I'm 24/7 not available on FB, please dial my phone number for any inquiry, I am totally approachable there. :)


I am overwhelm with your affection. Your presence resembles drug and I couldn't resist you even for once. Those fairy tales that people used to story to me is getting vivid and sound so true now. Once upon a time starts right now. Hugs and tones of kisses. :)

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