Have you ever in this kind off situation where you felt totally peaceful and at the same time feeling burden-less? Have you ever have this feeling of desperately want to do something beyond your ego and when you did it, you felt 100% relieved? Did you ever try to lower down your ego and when you successfully done it, you was like "Heh, not bad at all man! Fool me of being pessimistic" because at the end, things work out just as you wished?
You ask me,
Yes I Have!
Yes I Do!
These few weeks I've felt serenely peaceful. I don't know what things have gone into me but I'm being totally an optimistic person. Haha. Living life without world of social network treat me to be an open minded well judgment person. Some said social network is gay, cos it greedily snatched life's tradition. Well, truth to be true, it's agreeable. We are completely strangers, but then we like knowing each other very well through social network-ing. It's understandable that by this, we can have friends in advanced. But that outcome is unattainable. As instance, one day we accidentally chatted with stranger, we chatted all night talking things like usual BFF do. But then on the next day, we act like nothing ever happened and the relationship automatically turned off forever. LOL. Weird huh? To make things more simple, let say you have few course-mate as your friends. You chatted with him/her all day long, jokes indecently and from time to time, he/she and you get to know each other very well. But then in the class, both are like a total stranger. Wow, isn't that funny? I'm impressed. LOL. Well, I'm not declaring myself as an anti-social network person because I personally have my facebook account, too. And I'm enjoying it too. But here, I'm just giving my points of what I've been observed in these few weeks deactivating my account. No hard feelings bebeh.
Before my new semester begins, I've decided to lower down my ego, being modest and admit my own faults. I've text few people asking for apologize from them due to my unbearable action or improper language. At first I felt like a metal smacked on my back cos I felt extremely worried if I am unforgivable. God know how grateful I am when each of them apologized me and asked the same from me. Thanks toddlers. ^^
Yes, now I know why I feel totally burden-less, serene, and peace recently.
2011 gonna bring new scenario in my life, this I assure you! :D
So, stay tuned, the rest is still unwritten.
What Is Varjyam
3 months ago
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