Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Don't worry be happy.

I remember when I stand as a child, me and mum came to KL for the very first time of my lifetime, visiting my aunt back to 7 or 8 years ago. It was an eager moment at time I see KL reveled in luxury and frenzy with my own eyes after years of spending time in front of tv's screen knowing about it. KL with it's own cacophony of city traffic strangely was exciting. One day aunty brought us to a sanctuary store, which there contain an old man selling various types of stones and jades which I wasn't quite into it but mum in the other hand, was very much into it. I didn't know how was their conversation but turns out discovered that this old man is a fortune teller and she asked mum to show her palm. After a few mumbles this and that, mum in her amaze mode asked him "what do you think of my daughter?" and what happen next evoke intense memory of him even now, where I stand as an adult. He looked at me, staring deeply into my eyes with his subtle smile, it was a long quite before I flinched from him and he said "this girl is a hardcore thinker".

Not to say I believe in those fortune teller thingy but in that case, I couldn't agree more with him. I knew since I was a kid I have my own perspectives, I observed people and I think. Even now, I have this habit of randomly picked stranger I saw across the road, or sitting at the bus stop or eating at the mcD and imagined what would I do if I was him/her, where would I go after this, what would I say. Weird much? haha

For me personally, thinking is good, thinking grows sharp perspectives. But the only question is, would you rather to see glass through half full or half empty? Thinking is cue towards a better life yet, it somehow dangerously can twirl your mind and developed an absurd worry. Worry is helpful in terms of concern, solicitous etc, but the other half tells you, you've been thinking too much, twirling your mind with ping of thoughts and turns out you feeling intimidate by your own thoughts.

I believe there were days I've been thinking too much till I started to worry out of nowhere. It's a negative side of me that I never been proud off. But to know that there is always a tiny space where you can find forgiveness and learn to be a better you, you just have to convince yourself. So I stop being mean and forgive myself. Eventually (especially now) I learned to stop seeing glass through half empty. As far as I'm concern, I am still a happy person and I enjoy observing people. Like they said, life is too short to worry much. :)

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